Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. --James Baldwin

Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. --James Baldwin ✎

 Faculty Research Opportunities at the Gould Center

The Gould Center offers various kinds of support for faculty research, including research grants, funded research assistants, and publication subventions.

Get in contact with the Center here.



  • The Gould Center is excited to open our call for Summer 2024 Faculty Research Proposals. Proposals are welcome from all CMC tenured/tenure-track faculty and continuing visiting faculty, no matter the department, so long as the proposed research project concerns issues central to humanistic inquiry. Click the HERE below for more information regarding eligibility, requirements, and how to apply!

  • The Faculty Feedback Forum program provides a humanities faculty member with an opportunity to receive feedback on a book manuscript or other substantial project in progress (e.g., a series of two to three connected papers). Proposals are accepted at any time during the year on a rolling basis.

    For more information and how to apply, click here.